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Webinar: Supported self-supply: case studies from four continents

MetaMeta / SMART Centre Group will participate in a webinar on ‘Supported self-supply: case studies from four continents‘ on June 18th, at 9.00AM CEST.

Self-supply exists in almost all countries around the world and in specific times and areas can be the dominant form of service provision. Nevertheless, information on this approach typically is scattered and hard to find – mostly due to the passive role of government and the lack of reporting/monitoring mechanisms. This webinar by the RWSN Self-Supply theme will explore the case studies of formal programs to support self-supply from four continents.

As part of the webinar, Henk Holtslag will present on the experiences of the SMART Centre Group in several countries in Southern Africa and Latin America.

Register through the website here.

Slides are available here.

For the full announcement ‘read more’.

Reinier VeldmanWebinar: Supported self-supply: case studies from four continents
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MetaMeta / SMART Centre Group at the COP28

Water & Food was an important topic at the COP28 in Dubai

The senior advisor of the MetaMeta SMART Centre Group (Henk Holtslag) is a Rotarian and was invited by Rotary International to present on 2 game changing water related ideas being;

A. “2with8”. Safe water for 2 billion people with $8 billion, so a 1 time $4 grant/person This is possible with HWTS (Household Water Treatment and Safe storage) and especially household water filters. Promising examples include developments in Ethiopia that has a policy to scale Self-supply that includes HWTS. Presentation / One-pager

B. Deep Bed Farming & SMART water solutions

This presentation includes the example of Malawi where over 25.000 farmers apply DBF combined with Regenerative Agriculture and so increase yields of rainfed crops like maize from 2 to 6 tonnes / ha. The government now promotes DBF and likes to scale to 1 million DBF is an option to store water so adapt to climate change. Combined with low cost wells it has much potential to provide “basic water service” (SDG6.1) in rural areas and impact SDGs for poverty, food, gender and work. Also the eternal headache of pump maintenance is largely solved with this approach as proven in  Zambia and other countries. Presentation / One Pager

Reinier VeldmanMetaMeta / SMART Centre Group at the COP28
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RWSN Webinar 20 June: Water for food, for drinking, and for rural development – examples at scale

We recently participated in an RWSN-organised webinar with the title: ‘Water for food, for drinking, and for rural development – examples at scale’. Together with Colin Andrews of Tiyeni and Joshua Briemberg of the Nicaragua SMART Centre, Reinier Veldman participated in a discussion on the opportunies for Self-supply in the combination with soil and water conservation, such as Tiyeni’s Deep Bed Farming method.

The recording of the webinar is available on the resources page and below.


Reinier VeldmanRWSN Webinar 20 June: Water for food, for drinking, and for rural development – examples at scale
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IRC All Systems Connect

IRC WASH, together with Water for People and Water for Good hosted the All Systems Connect 2023 symposium in The Hague.

The MetaMeta / SMART Centre Group, together with Tiyeni and IWMI contributed through a session titled: ‘Scaling self-supply in Africa’. This session evaluated lessons learnt, among others from an IRC evaluation, about supported self-supply as an successful scaling approach to reach SDG6.1 in rural Africa at a cost that is 2-6 times lower than conventional WASH delivery models and simultaneously contributes to SDGs for poverty, food security, gender and climate.

There was a good turn-out and an interactive discussion, following the presentations by Barbara van Koppen (IWMI), Colin Andrews (Tiyeni) and Henk Holtslag (MetaMeta / SMART Centre Group). Lemessa Mekonte of IRC moderated the session together with Aline Saraiva of RWSN.

The presentations of the session and posters presented can be accessed through the Resource Page and after the ‘read more’.

Reinier VeldmanIRC All Systems Connect
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UN Water Conference, New York – 2 Virtual Side Events

The SMART Centre Group is facilitating two virtual side events around the UN Water Conference, which will take place in NEw York from 22 – 24 March 2023.

‘2 with 8’ initiative on HWTS

The first virtual side-event will take place on Tuesday 21st March, 09.00AM (EST) and will focus on the recently launched ‘2 with 8’ initiative on HWTS to work towards ‘Safe drinking water for 2 billion people with $8 billion’. During the event there will be presentations from WHO, CAWST, Danone, Navaza, John Cherry and others.

Check the event page and the background document for more info and registration.

Supporting Self-supply

The second virtual side-event will take place on Thursday 23rd March, 09.00AM (EST) and will focus on the huge impact of self-supply in Asia and shares experience how supported self-supply can reach SDG6.1 and increases food security in rural Africa at a 1 time grant of $25 per person. During the event there will be presentations from RWSN, The Groundwater Project, Tiyeni and MetaMeta/SMART Centre Group as well as a moderated discussion with panel and participants.

Check the event page and the background document for more info and registration.

Reinier VeldmanUN Water Conference, New York – 2 Virtual Side Events
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Training in Uganda successfully wrapped up

The training was organized and funded by Rotarian Chris Roesel. The trainers were Brighton Kaniki from Malawi and Data Samuel from South Sudan.

During the training there were several challenges but the 10 people (5 men, 5 women) trained managed to, together, drill one new tubewell and install 2 pumps.

The training can be a start of cooperation between Rotary and SMART Centre Group and presence in Uganda.

Reinier VeldmanTraining in Uganda successfully wrapped up
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Commitment for UN Water Conference

The MetaMeta – SMART Centre Group makes a commitment to the Water Action Agenda as part of the UN Water conference in New York in March 2023. The commitment with the title ‘Reaching SDG6.1 in rural Africa at a cost of $25/ person with the SMART approach; through training the local private sector and supporting self-supply’ is based on the 3-pager ‘Supporting self-supply’ which can be found here.

Together with the Groundwater Project and Tiyeni, the MetaMeta – SMART Centre Group advocates for this approach, as a contribution to reaching the SDG6.1 target by 2030.

Reinier VeldmanCommitment for UN Water Conference
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Groundwater Summit, Paris (6 – 8 December 2022)

On behalf of the SMART Centre Group, Henk Holtslag and Reinier Veldman attended the Groundwater Summit at UNESCO, Paris, which was held from 6 – 8 December 2022.

As part of the first day of the event, we presented on: ‘Self-supply: unlocking the potential of household investment’, in a side-event session jointly organised with Ask for Water GmbH, University of Technology Sydney, RWSN/SKAT and BaseFlow.

The presentations and recording are available on the resource page.

The event and our contribution was mentioned in an article on the Dutch Water Sector website.

Highlights of the summit can be watched below.

Reinier VeldmanGroundwater Summit, Paris (6 – 8 December 2022)
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Recording of the WASH Debate available

Recently we participated in the WASH Debate on 9 November 2022, organised by IRC WASH. The WASH Debate discussed the theme ‘Levering Household investments, Experiences in scaling market-based approached in water and sanitation.

As part of the Debate, Kerstin Danert presented on the outcomes of the recent assessment of the SMART Approach by IRC WASH (click here for the report).

The full recording of the session is available on youtube.

The presentation of the SMART approach starts at 15.02. The presentation is available here.

The panel discussion starts from 55:22

Reinier VeldmanRecording of the WASH Debate available
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All Systems go Africa

The “All Systems go Africa” conference took place in Accra from 19 to 21 October, 2022 (

Over 260 people almost all from African countries discussed challenges and promising initiatives to reach SDG6.

For the MetaMeta SMART Centre Group Henk Holtslag presented on the topic “Service delivery models” with a presentation;  Subsidized Self-supply/ farm wells, A promising service model to reach SDG6.1 in rural Africa. The example of Zambia.

His proposition: “To reach SDG6.1 in rural Sub Saharan Africa it is more cost-effective to subsidize farm wells that serve 50 people than subsidize communal wells that serve of 250 people” created much discussion and even the observation that we should not go back to family wells but go forward to piped systems.

Look at the presentation and read the document… and share your thoughts with us!

Reinier VeldmanAll Systems go Africa
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