All posts tagged: COP28

MetaMeta / SMART Centre Group at the COP28

Water & Food was an important topic at the COP28 in Dubai

The senior advisor of the MetaMeta SMART Centre Group (Henk Holtslag) is a Rotarian and was invited by Rotary International to present on 2 game changing water related ideas being;

A. “2with8”. Safe water for 2 billion people with $8 billion, so a 1 time $4 grant/person This is possible with HWTS (Household Water Treatment and Safe storage) and especially household water filters. Promising examples include developments in Ethiopia that has a policy to scale Self-supply that includes HWTS. Presentation / One-pager

B. Deep Bed Farming & SMART water solutions

This presentation includes the example of Malawi where over 25.000 farmers apply DBF combined with Regenerative Agriculture and so increase yields of rainfed crops like maize from 2 to 6 tonnes / ha. The government now promotes DBF and likes to scale to 1 million DBF is an option to store water so adapt to climate change. Combined with low cost wells it has much potential to provide “basic water service” (SDG6.1) in rural areas and impact SDGs for poverty, food, gender and work. Also the eternal headache of pump maintenance is largely solved with this approach as proven in  Zambia and other countries. Presentation / One Pager

Reinier VeldmanMetaMeta / SMART Centre Group at the COP28
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