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SMART Symposium in Malawi November 13 – 16

In November 2018, MetaMeta, Aqua for All, SNV and the SMART Centres will organise the SMART Symposium to share lessons learnt in WASH and rural development from the past 25 years. In this period over 10 million people have benefited from SMARTechs. Read More

simonSMART Symposium in Malawi November 13 – 16
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Video: The Mzuzu Drill

simonVideo: The Mzuzu Drill
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Ideas to reach “The hard to reach”

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At the WEDC Conference in Kenya, Rik Haanen of the Jacana SMART Centre presented a bold approach to provide affordable and highly sustainable water supply for small rural communities by means of Family wells.

Henk HoltslagIdeas to reach “The hard to reach”
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Overview Paper: The Effect of Tube Recharge on Local Groundwater Tables and Well Water Levels

“Tube recharge” is a simple and low-cost method to recharge groundwater. It takes inspiration from Indian recharge technologies, but it is  simpler and cheaper. Tube recharge has been implemented in Tanzania, Mozambique, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Nicaragua and has shown promising results. This paper provides an overview of the principles behind construction and working of tube recharge systems. Read More >>


simonOverview Paper: The Effect of Tube Recharge on Local Groundwater Tables and Well Water Levels
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SMART Centres meet in Malawi. March 2018

We look back on a fruitfull meeting of 5 SMART Centres in Mzuzu. Discussions ranged from Family Based Management of rural handpumps to monitoring with the online tool mWater. We saw some 25 innovative water and sanitation technologies on de exposition area of the CCAP SMART Centre and had field visits to pump users, a drilling company and to Mr. Gondwe who runs a  sanitation business. He inspired us with the use of urine and feces that makes his vegetable garden flourish.


simonSMART Centres meet in Malawi. March 2018
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SMART Centre approach featured in ‘Deal Book’

On the 22nd of March, during World Water Day, a new joint publication of the 3R group was launched: Reaching the millions – investment profiles to achieve 3R impact. It clearly makes a case why it is not only worth the investment to put money in water harvesting, it is urgent.

simonSMART Centre approach featured in ‘Deal Book’
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CAWST and SCG joint blog

The SMART Centre Group and CAWST have joined hands in writing up key lessons on training and capacity building through local WASH centres of expertise. We foresee this to be the start of a long term cooperation endeavour between the two organisations. Read the whole article here.

simonCAWST and SCG joint blog
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Unique opportunity for initiators and entrepreneurial personalities!

International Course “Market-led SMARTechs for water and agriculture” in Mzuzu, Malawi from the 19th to the 23rd of March 2018. Apply now!

The SMART Centre Group and SNV are organising a course to provide policy makers and practitioners in water and agricultural management with a holistic set of knowledge and skills to take water and agricultural initiatives to the next level.

Participants of the course become true agents of change and accelerate reaching several SDGs simultaneously. Click here to download the course flyer and read how to apply.


simonUnique opportunity for initiators and entrepreneurial personalities!
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