Global Handwashing Day is October 15. And as every year, the day serves as a platform to raise global awareness on the importance of hand-washing with soap.
Within the work of the SMART Centres, handwashing is an important theme as it contributes greatly to improved health and reduced spread of diseases. There are ongoing projects in Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania and Niger around Handwashing and COVID-19 and we have recently published several resources with ideas to scale-up low-cost handwashing solutions.
During the month of October Partin and Wilde Ganzen have shifted their yearly meet-up to an online event, which will take place in the month of October. The kick-off session was on October 3rd and on October 19th it will be the turn for Henk Holtslag to present on the SMART approach and the work of the SMART Centres. More info is available on the website and don’t forget to register for this event! Please note the Webinar will be in Dutch.
Reinier VeldmanSMART Centres presenting during Partin-Wilde Ganzen month
Pumping is Life in WaleWale, Ghana, is one of the organisations that have recently requested to officially become a member of the SMART Centre Group and establish a SMART Centre.
Pumping is Life has been one of the early adopters of the Rope pump and other SMARTechs and have received training by Henk Holtslag on several occasions. Recently they moved to a new office.
Pumping is Life is supported by ‘Pompen is Leven‘ a foundation from the Netherlands and has so far provided water through more than 400 wells and pumps.
Pictures of the new premises of the Pumping is Life SMART Centre in Ghana.
As one of the efforts in making handwashing easy and accesible the EERN SMART Centre in Niger has developed the zero cost ‘Wash Bottle’. The Wash Bottle uses a plastic bottle or tin can to make a simple handwashing tool at no cost and without wastage of water.
Reinier Veldman‘Making a Wash Bottle’ tutorial released
The SMART Centre trained welders in Malawi have been busy lately fabricating handwashing stations, meant for use in public places like markets, schools and universities. Part of the facilities are finded through a project with Wilde Ganzen and others have been ordered by local institutions, after they saw the examples at the shops of the welders, which is a good spin-off for the welders.
Handwash stations made by Essau Mweso of Magaula Welding in Mzuzu
Handwash stations made by Alex Chakwanira of Lexx Welding and Fabrication in Mzuzu
Handwash stations made by Alex Chakwanira of Lexx Welding and Fabrication in Mzuzu
Handwash stations made by Brighton Kaniki of Zaluso Plumbing and Engineering in Kasungu
Handwash stations made by Brighton Kaniki of Zaluso Plumbing and Engineering in Kasungu
Transport of the handwash stations to the SMART Centre in Mzuzu
The SMART Centre in Njombe, Tanzania, has recently started a new round of trainings funded through SKAT/ZH2O. The topics of the training include horticulture, aquaculture and training in the production of SMARTechs such as Rope pumps and manual drilling. See the newsitem on the website of the SMART Centre for an impression of the activities.
The trainees after the production of the first two Rope pumps.
Reinier VeldmanGetting trained on horticulture, aquaculture, pumps and wells: 2020 SKAT/ZH2O Training is ongoing at SHIPO SMART Centre!
While the measures to confine the spread of COVID in Europe are showing effect the spread of the virus is increasing in the countries where the SMART Centres are established and where the support local businesses in providing WASH facilities and services. These local businesses and their technologies are an essential tool in the efforts to confine the spread.
The Jacana SMART Centres in Zambia and the CCAP SMART Centre in Malawi have both started a project, which is supported by Wilde Ganzen.
The Jacana SMART Centre will, through the trained entrepreneurs provide water to all Health Centres in Eastern Zambia. See the website for more info.
The CCAP SMART Centre will provide hand washing stations to local markets and health centres in Northern Malawi. See the website for more info.
The EERN SMART Centre in Niamey, Niger, focusses on training local (female) leaders in the construction of hand wash stations, local production of mouth masks, water filters and provision of food aid to the most effected families. See a recent news item for pictures.
The SHIPO SMART Centre in Njombe, Tanzania, focusses on the distribution of hand washing facilities to health centres in Mbozi district and the promotion of Face shields, partly made from recycled plastics. See the website for more info.
The projects in Zambia and Malawi are supported by Wilde Ganzen who will double the funds raised. Any support to the projects is appreciated and can be donated through the SMART Centre Foundation or for Zambia directly through their website. Dutch donors can get a tax-refund ANBI.
Other SMART Centres in Kenya and Mozambique are also developing proposals for COVID-related activities and once these are approved we will publish them through the SMART Centre Group website.
Reinier VeldmanInitiatives by SMART Centres to fight COVID
IHE Delft hosted the 2020 Capacity Development Symposium from 27 – 29 May. Due to the COVID-19 measures an online platform was created using webinars and poster presentations.
Henk Holtslag and Reinier Veldman both presented on behalf of the SMART Centre Group on SMART Centres. A promising approach to reach SDG6 and water related SDGs in rural areas and Faith and Water – Accelerating WASH knowledge sharing and capacity building through the use of Faith Groups.
Their presentations and webinar recordings can be accessed through the resources page.
Reinier VeldmanParticipating in the 2020 Capacity Development Symposium
Under the umbrella of the EERN (Evangelical Church in the Republic of Niger (EERN)) a new SMART Centre recently started. Jim McGill, who was also involved in the setting up of the SMART Centre in Malawi is now working in both Niger and South Sudan.
As one of the responses for the COVID-pandemic and the SMART Centre in Niamey recently held a training for female community leaders in the construction of dip taps and other handwashing stations. These simple, but effective technologies can be made at no cost, using locally available materials.
These trainings are part of an ongoing project which includes leadership trainings in messaging and distribution of materials at household level which will include:
Simple handwashing stations with soap supplied to households
Water filters for safe drinking water
Distribution of locally produced masks
Commercial handwashing stations can be established in areas where people gather – run by women.
How to access short term foodstuffs from the Church and Centre for those who are quarantined.
The trainings focus on the ‘Basra Quartier’ which is one of the poorest sections of Niamey with few public facilities. More information on the EERN Covid-19 responses is available through the link.
For more info on Smart Hygiene Solutions, check the recently published brochure.
Using demonstrations of different options of dip / tippy taps
Reinier VeldmanNew SMART Centre in Niger, engaged in COVID response
Brighton Kaniki is the owner of Zaluso Plumbing and Engineering Works in Kasungu, Malawi and one of the welders trained through the CCAP SMART Centre in Malawi in the production of Rope Pumps. Brighton was recently interviewed for The Times, one of the main newspapers in Malawi.
The article can be accessed through or downloaded here.
Brighton with a demo Rope pump at his workshop in Kasungu picture credits:
Reinier VeldmanBrighton Kaniki, pump producer in Malawi, featured in National newspaper