Global Handwashing Day is October 15. And as every year, the day serves as a platform to raise global awareness on the importance of hand-washing with soap.
Within the work of the SMART Centres, handwashing is an important theme as it contributes greatly to improved health and reduced spread of diseases. There are ongoing projects in Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania and Niger around Handwashing and COVID-19 and we have recently published several resources with ideas to scale-up low-cost handwashing solutions.
- Video on ‘making a Wash Bottle‘
- Clip on Global Handwashing Day 2020 by SMART Centre Malawi
- Brochure on ‘SMART Hygiene Solutions, affordable options for household level‘
- Webinar on ‘SMART WaSH Solutions in times of Corona‘.
- Technology Overview page
- Welding against COVID-19 blogpost