While the measures to confine the spread of COVID in Europe are showing effect the spread of the virus is increasing in the countries where the SMART Centres are established and where the support local businesses in providing WASH facilities and services. These local businesses and their technologies are an essential tool in the efforts to confine the spread.

The Jacana SMART Centres in Zambia and the CCAP SMART Centre in Malawi have both started a project, which is supported by Wilde Ganzen.
The Jacana SMART Centre will, through the trained entrepreneurs provide water to all Health Centres in Eastern Zambia. See the website for more info.
The CCAP SMART Centre will provide hand washing stations to local markets and health centres in Northern Malawi. See the website for more info.
The EERN SMART Centre in Niamey, Niger, focusses on training local (female) leaders in the construction of hand wash stations, local production of mouth masks, water filters and provision of food aid to the most effected families. See a recent news item for pictures.
The SHIPO SMART Centre in Njombe, Tanzania, focusses on the distribution of hand washing facilities to health centres in Mbozi district and the promotion of Face shields, partly made from recycled plastics. See the website for more info.
The projects in Zambia and Malawi are supported by Wilde Ganzen who will double the funds raised. Any support to the projects is appreciated and can be donated through the SMART Centre Foundation or for Zambia directly through their website. Dutch donors can get a tax-refund ANBI.
Other SMART Centres in Kenya and Mozambique are also developing proposals for COVID-related activities and once these are approved we will publish them through the SMART Centre Group website.