Under the umbrella of the EERN (Evangelical Church in the Republic of Niger (EERN)) a new SMART Centre recently started. Jim McGill, who was also involved in the setting up of the SMART Centre in Malawi is now working in both Niger and South Sudan.
As one of the responses for the COVID-pandemic and the SMART Centre in Niamey recently held a training for female community leaders in the construction of dip taps and other handwashing stations. These simple, but effective technologies can be made at no cost, using locally available materials.
These trainings are part of an ongoing project which includes leadership trainings in messaging and distribution of materials at household level which will include:
- Simple handwashing stations with soap supplied to households
- Water filters for safe drinking water
- Distribution of locally produced masks
- Commercial handwashing stations can be established in areas where people gather – run by women.
- How to access short term foodstuffs from the Church and Centre for those who are quarantined.
The trainings focus on the ‘Basra Quartier’ which is one of the poorest sections of Niamey with few public facilities. More information on the EERN Covid-19 responses is available through the link.
For more info on Smart Hygiene Solutions, check the recently published brochure.